Special Occasion Sales
We’ve heard your requests for online availability! Because we offer so much customizability in our school spiritwear designs and garment availability, we’re not equipped to offer everything online yet. However, from time to time, we’ll offer targeted merchandise sales. Check back often!
Hydrate Sale – Start your new year off right by purchasing drinkware so you can stay hydrated in style!
Fundraiser Sales
Below is a list of our currently active Fundraiser Sales. By purchasing from these sales, a portion of your order total will be benefiting the group named. If you are interested in a fundraising opportunity, or have any questions, please contact Awards & More at 724-444-1040 or info@awardson8.com. We are located in Gibsonia, PA and love being able to help our local community.
Richland Elementary PTO – 2/28-3/21
Hance Elementary PTO – 3/10-3/23
General Spiritwear Stores
Below is a list of our currently active General Spiritwear Stores. People affiliated with these groups are welcome to purchase team-approved apparel options with the benefit of better group pricing.